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Concert-Conference :

Duration : 1h15

Specialists in Pyrenean instruments, Pierre and Michaël offer a musical journey through this mountain chain by discovering showing the great diversity of its instruments. They will take you from the Basque country to Catalonia by presenting a multitude of bagpipes, oboes and other wind and string instruments. They will tell you about practices related to the customs of this special region illustrated by traditional melodies and songs.

Traditionnal Ball :

Duration : 1h to 2h

We offer a traditional ball focused on the dances and musics of the central Pyrenees. For the uninitiated, some explanations are possible. There are also dances from Landes, Auvergne, Limousin, Center, Béarn, Basque Country and Catalonia: let's dance !


Pierre Rouch

Bagpipes :

Bot de Gemecs

Gaita de bota,




Medieval bagpipe Puivert


Pipe center-France

Oboes :

Aboès deth Coserans

Clari de Bigora




Caremère from Gascony

Accordion Diatonic


Michaël Bourry

Fiddles :

Violin P.Fournier

Old Violin


Medieval fiddle

String tambourine



Musicians :

Michaël Bourry develops a real passion for Gascony music on which he carries out a work of impregnation, research and understanding both ethno-musicological and artistic.

By alternating between a regular practice of the traditional balls as a musician (and dancer), and a research work on the roots of these musics via collecting documents and meetings, he forges a musical space that allows him to mature his practice through the musical projects and professional groups in which he participates. The teaching of the violin and the Gascon dances also allows him to perfect his art.

Pierre Rouch, oboe builder and bagpipe specialist on the instrumentarium of the Pyrenees. He carries out a research work on the ancient instruments and also works on the making of instruments adapted to the current musics. For about twenty years, he has taken part to different musical projects: Gadalzen, Mosaica, Matta Rouch, Bouilleur de sons ...


These two musicians offer you a musical journey through the Pyrenees, from the Basque Country to Catalonia, to discover traditional instruments.

© 2018 by Duo Bourry-Rouch Proudly created with

Traduccion Occitana : Mathieu Emportes / English Translation : Estelle Harris

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